Research Opportunity: Parents Experiences of Decision-Making About Orthognathic Surgery

June 25, 2020

Are you a parent of a young person born with cleft lip and/or palate?

Has a decision been made about orthognathic surgery?
Would you like to share your experiences in a research study?
We would love to hear from you!

Study name: ‘Parents’ experiences of decision-making about orthognathic surgery’

Who can take part?

Parents of young people who were born with cleft lip/palate and have made a decision about whether or not to undergo orthognathic surgery. The decision can be ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and must have been made in the last five years.

Importantly, if the decision is ‘yes’, the surgery hasn’t happened yet.

What is involved?

You’ll be interviewed by a researcher who will ask you to share your experiences of the decision-making process about orthognathic surgery. The interview will be via Skype or a similar online platform and take around 60-80 minutes. You will be sent a £10 voucher as a small token of appreciation.

Would you like to find out more?

Read the Participant Information Sheet

Project Poster 

Please contact Jana Safarikova (Researcher/Trainee Clinical Psychologist) on [email protected] or 07434 623207.
By contacting Jana to find out more you are under no obligation to take part in the study.

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