NSSC Recommends Move to Single Surgical Site in Glasgow

June 9, 2016

UPDATE – 08/09/2016

CLAPA has released a final statement following a debate in Scottish Parliament.

Read the Statement


Last year, a review was conducted into surgical services in Scotland. The review ended with the recommendation that the two existing sites performing cleft surgery (Edinburgh and Glasgow) be merged into one site in Glasgow. Other cleft services would not be affected.

This review was followed by a formal consultation period which ended in May. Since then, feedback from various sources has been considered and the National Specialist Services Committee (NSSC) has put together a document outlining its recommendations and the reasoning behind them.

In this document, NSSC officially endorse the recommendation to move cleft surgical services to a single site in Glasgow.

The proposal and consultation report will be considered at a meeting of the Board Chief Executives on 21st June 2016. Once their recommendation is known, the final decision on the proposal will rest with the Scottish Government.

Read Now (PDF)

Throughout the review and consultation, CLAPA has maintained a neutral position, stating that we believed there was not enough evidence made public to support one decision over another. Instead, we strongly encouraged our community to take part in the consultation process.

For more information about the review and CLAPA’s position, contact our Senior Regional Coordinator in Scotland, Gillian McCarthy, at [email protected] or 07586 045402.

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