#FundraisingFriday: Jen

June 17, 2016

This weekend Jen and her mum will be taking on the intense Lakes Biggest and Longest Challenge – it will involve canoeing, cycling and walking over a distance of 71km over a period of 24 hours!

Jen got in touch with us this morning to say:

“Here is me and my mum first thing this morning in our fitness company training t-shirts!

Jen and her Mum
Jen and her Mum

We’re off on our journey from Kent to the Lake District this morning to start our challenge at 9:00am tomorrow.

Currently we have raised over £1,000 for CLAPA for this challenge. Having been born with a cleft lip and palate, I appreciate the importance and support that CLAPA provides people and their families affected.”

On behalf of all the team we’d like to say a huge GOOD LUCK to you and your mum Jen! We hope you have an amazing time and can’t wait to see the photos!

If you would like to find out more about their challenge, or show your support this ‪#‎FundraisingFriday‬ please check out their page here!

Fancy taking on your own challenge for CLAPA? We’ve still got places left for the British 10k London Run taking place in July. Get in touch with [email protected] for more info!