Get Involved with Cleft Research
Find out how you can get involved with research, or how CLAPA can help you with your study.
CLAPA is committed to strengthening links between the cleft community and cleft researchers. This includes helping the community get involved and have their say on cleft research and changes to NHS cleft care, and supporting researchers with their projects.
“[I have really enjoyed] being able to influence research programmes and seeing how my input makes a difference with cleft treatment.” – CLAPA Patient Rep
For the Cleft Community
There are lots of ways that you can get involved in research, and not just as a subject. Even if you were not born with a cleft yourself, your input can still be helpful to researchers by helping to design or evaluate studies, or even by helping to collect data. As someone with an interest in cleft, you have a stake in how these studies are conducted, what conclusions can be drawn from their findings, and how this may affect cleft treatment.
The best way to make sure you’re represented is by getting involved in a research study.
You don’t need any prior training or experience with research. All you need is a willingness to share your thoughts and experiences of cleft to help create a brighter future for the cleft community.
Browse current opportunities to find one that suits you, or join CLAPA Voices to get relevant opportunities straight into your inbox.
For Cleft Researchers and NHS Cleft Teams
We believe Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) is absolutely vital to make sure the right things are being studied in the right way. The cleft community agrees; according to CLAPA’s 2023 Survey, 95% agreed it was ‘important for cleft researchers to get feedback about their projects from people affected by cleft’.
CLAPA can support your PPI efforts and work with you to make your study more accessible to the cleft community. We offer a Consultancy Service where researchers and NHS Cleft Teams can pick from a range of support packages, or create your own bespoke package to fit your needs. For those without funding for this work, we offer a bursary to ensure you can still get the support you need.
All Research Opportunities
See the latest research projects you can join as a participant or as part of a consultation group.
Consultancy Services for Researchers & NHS Cleft Teams
CLAPA can support cleft researchers and NHS Cleft Teams with Patient and Public Involvement work, recruiting participants or Patient Reps, and much more.
Information for Researchers
Are you planning a research project involving people affected by cleft lip and palate? Find out more about how CLAPA can help!
Opportunities from CLAPA
Surveys, polls, focus groups and other ways to input into CLAPA's services and strategy
Opportunities from NHS Cleft Teams
Join a Patient Engagement Group (PEG), sit on an interview panel, or help with NHS cleft service development
Opportunities from Researchers
Join a study as a participant, give feedback on materials, or even sit on a Steering Group to shape the future of cleft care