
Volunteer with CLAPA and start making a difference today.

Thank you for being so interested in volunteering with CLAPA!

At the moment, we have several volunteer roles available and a waiting list for other places as they become available so please register your interest using this form.

Online Event Host Volunteer

Alternatively,  if you’d still like to go the extra mile to give back by adding your voice to our work, please consider joining CLAPA Voices.

  • Volunteer with CLAPA

    Apply to be a CLAPA Volunteer and help support our services around the UK, We have a wonderful variety of roles available so no matter what time you have, or what your skills and experience are, there’s something to suit you.

  • CLAPA Voices

    Sign up today to be the first to hear about opportunities throughout the year for you to feed into our work, as well as take part in research projects. You can pick the ones that interest you and fit around your schedule, and where possible, we’ll provide flexible ways to get involved.

  • Volunteer Roles

    Find out more about the different formal volunteer roles available at CLAPA, including Parent and Peer Supporters, Online Event hosting, Awareness raising, and more.

  • #iVolunteer

    Everyone gets into volunteering for a different reason - find out more about why CLAPA's volunteers decided to give back.

  • Fundraise for CLAPA

    Support our work directly by raising funds for CLAPA in your community - and raise awareness of cleft lip and palate at the same time!

  • Get Involved with Research

    Use your voice to influence the future of cleft treatment by getting involved with research as a participant or by giving feedback on projects.