A great time had by all!
Danielle Thomas & Mark Smith’s son Ethan was born with cleft lip and palate last year and so they decided to hold a fun day and disco on the 22 November in their local hall in Clevedon, North Somerset. With the help of family and friends they raised an incredible £1,125.81!
Danielle said, “We wanted to raise as much money as we could to help all the other babies and children out there around the country… As our little Ethan is the best thing that ever happened to us and he is our precious baby. We had fun day with lots of help from family and friends … Also the night was a great turn out!”
Ethan went on to have his lip repair in December and the whole family had a wonderful Xmas and New Year. Thank you so much to Danielle, Mark, Ethan and everyone who helped on the day!