Brave Lennon, age 8, takes on Man Size Challenge!
This is the remarkable story of Lennon, age 8, who took part in the Junior Iron Run on 3rd October 2015 to say thank you to Clapa. He was born with a cleft of the soft palate and had his palate repaired at 6 months old at Addenbrookes.
Lennon has raised an amazing £543.75!
I was lucky enough to interview this intrepid young man and this is what he had to say:
“Mum does races all the time and I wanted to do one too so we found the Junior Iron Run and when she asked me if I wanted to run for charity I said CLAPA because I know how much they do for people. It was scary and fun but the hardest part was sinking in the mud and having to be pulled out! I want to thank all my family and friends for their kind donations.”
When I spoke to mum Jen she told me Lennon had also managed to earn himself some badges from the local Cubs group for his hard work.
At CLAPA, we just want to say we think you are a hero! Thank you Lennon!