Fliss’ Story
Following the birth of her wonderful little boy, Fliss wrote an open letter to other expectant parents, to help them feel supported and reassured.
To all expectant Mums (and anybody else that may need a few words of encouragement) at what I know is an extremely anxious time, this is my story so far.
I’ve been a fairly silent member of the CLAPA Community really. I’ve kept many of my thoughts and feelings to myself.
I suffer with crippling stress and anxiety issues at the best of times, but to find out at your 20 week scan that all is not ‘perfect’ with your baby is devastating.
With the help of my family, friends, consultant and midwives, I have battled my demons, gestational diabetes, seen a fantastic mental health team and come out the other side feeling good.
On 05:04:18 at 17:15pm weighing a rather tiny (considering the stress and worry with growth rates) 7lb 2.5oz, my BEAUTIFUL baby boy, Acre, was born.

With the help of my family, friends, consultant and midwives, I have battled my demons…and come out the other side feeling good.
He’s got a few feeding difficulties, and is being cared for on the neonatal unit at the fantastic Wrekin Maternity Unit, but seems to be improving daily. He even managed a 5ml feed from a bottle last night. it’s baby steps but every day things are improving.
Nobody could have convinced me not to worry, and just enjoy my pregnancy. I was terrified too but please, do try to take comfort in my story.
I could not love my baby any more if I tried. He is perfect. I am thrilled to bits and I wouldn’t have him any other way.
All my love and luck to you from Fliss (and Richard) xx

Thanks so much to Fliss for getting in touch to share her family’s story. If you’d like to share your story you can share it here through our website.
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