Research Opportunity: Parents of babies born in lockdown

August 18, 2020

Was your baby born with a cleft lip in the period just before or during the UK Lockdown? Researchers at the Centre for Appearance Research (CAR) would like to hear from you!

The team are interested in your experiences of the Lockdown, the care you and your child received, and any delays to your child’s treatment as a result of the pandemic. This is part of a larger study involving CLAPA and cleft health professionals on the impact the pandemic has had on cleft care for new families.

If you choose to take part, you will be interviewed over the telephone for around 60 minutes by a researcher about your experiences.

You can take part in this research if:

  1. You are over the age of 18 years
  2. Your child was born in the UK between 1st January 2020 and 30th June 2020
  3. Your child was born with a cleft lip (with or without a cleft palate)
  4. You are currently living in the UK
  5. You have a good level of written and spoken English

For more information or to express your interest in taking part, contact Nicola, the lead researcher at: [email protected]Thank you for your support! 

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