Tagged with:Adult Stories

  • Claudia’s Story

    14 Nov 2022

    My name is Claudia, and I am 20 years old; I was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. I was discharged from cleft treatment during the pandemic and re-admitted a year later for another surgery. But being discharged was such a weird time in my life, and I was not sure how to feel.

  • Rosie’s Story

    25 Aug 2022

    Rosie was born with a cleft, and her hospital experiences inspired her to train as a nurse so she could help others.

  • Nathan’s Story

    9 Aug 2022

    My name is Nathan; I’m 26 years old and was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. Growing up, I received over 30 surgeries; this meant sometimes having multiple surgeries a year.

  • Nathan’s Story

    31 May 2022

    Michelle's son Nathan was born with a cleft lip and palate. She shares how proud she is of him throughout his journey, from multiple surgeries and following his dream career.

  • Adrian adult

    Adrian’s Story

    9 May 2022

    My earliest memories are as a young child, my yearly visits to St George's Hospital Hyde Park Corner. How nervous I felt waiting to be assessed by the surgery team, hoping there would be an all-clear outcome and dreading the prospect of another operation.

  • Young Nora

    Nora’s Story

    9 May 2022

    My first memory was going to see the plastic surgeon Dr. Tanner. He was so gifted to be able to help me and my brother James,  who had a more severe cleft lip, and palate. He was born with no palate and no top lip and almost died at birth. His story deserves to be told.

  • Stacey's little boy

    Stacey’s Story

    4 May 2022

    I'm Stacey, and I was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. As a young girl, I was confident and happy, but when I got to secondary school, I was bullied about my appearance, and my self-esteem was low.

  • Bronwen’s Story

    8 Feb 2022

    After discovering people on YouTube talking about their own experiences of growing up with a cleft, Bronwen was inspired to set up her own channel. In talking about a range of topics, from surgery to dealing with stares and questions, she hopes to raise awareness of cleft and ensure others born with a cleft feel less alone.

  • Michelle’s Story

    12 Nov 2021

    Michelle was born with a cleft lip and palate and sees donating to CLAPA as a legacy she’ll leave behind for others with similar experiences. We caught up with her to hear more about her journey and her reasons for supporting our work.

  • Michael’s Story

    28 May 2021

    In reflecting on his 20 years of treatment at Great Ormond Street Hospital, Michael, who was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate, composed two music pieces of music: his Great Ormond Street Hymn, and Symphony No.1. Click to learn about his cleft journey and find out why he wanted to write music.