Tagged with:Fundraising: Challenges

  • #FundraisingFriday – The Great North Swim

    30 Nov 2017

    "I was born with a cleft lip and palate myself and have been aware for many years of the great work that CLAPA performs. As CLAPA is a small charity, I felt the need to raise the profile (as well as donations) and bring awareness to the challenges faced by individuals with this condition."

  • #FundraisingFriday: Great Scottish Run 2017

    14 Nov 2017

    Every year Mersen Scotland put a team together for the Great Scottish run. The employees are requested to put forward a charity to place their efforts to good use. This year, CLAPA was nominated, and Team Mersen raised over £2k!

  • #FundraisingFriday: Royal Parks Half Marathon 2017

    14 Nov 2017

    Superstar fundraiser Julie Payne ran the Royal Parks Half Marathon on the 8th of October and raised a stunning £1,331.25 for CLAPA! Here is her story.

  • Four runners in CLAPA vests

    Take on a Challenge

    1 Jun 2017

  • #FundraisingFriday – London Marathon

    21 Apr 2017

    This #FundraisingFriday we're saying a huge Good Luck and thank you to our brave runners taking on the London Marathon this weekend! Read on to find out more about why some of them took on this challenge!

  • #FundraisingFriday: Brighton Marathon

    14 Apr 2017

    This Fundraising Friday we are saying a huge thank you to our wonderful team of runners who took the Brighton marathon last weekend! Read on to find out why some our team decided to get involved and how you can do the same!

  • #FundraisingFriday – William sets off for Kilimanjaro

    17 Mar 2017

    A huge good luck to William, who is flying out today! William is heading to Tanzania, in order to start his attempt to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain!

  • #FundraisingFriday: 1 mile, 365 days

    20 Jan 2017

    This #FundraisingFriday we want to say a huge thank you to Edward Wright who is running 1 mile a day for all of 217. Ed's target was to raise £100 across the year, a target he's already smashed just over 2 weeks in! He's already raised £225, 225% of his target!

  • #Fundraising Friday – Mark

    18 Nov 2016

    Meet Mark! Mark decided to push himself that extra stroke, pedal and step, to take part in a triathlon on behalf of CLAPA, raising £525!

  • #FundraisingFriday: The Thistle Run

    12 Aug 2016

    This ‪#‎FundraisingFriday‬ we want to say a huge thank you to The Mini Clan The Clan are a Mini appreciation society, and they organise an annual event called The Thistle Run. This year it took place in May and saw hundreds of minis take to the road from The Falkirk Wheel to Anstruther in Scotland to enjoy a lovely Sunday afternoon and raise money for their two chosen charities