Tagged with:Fundraising Stories

  • #FundraisingFriday: Laura’s Fun Day

    19 Aug 2016

    This ‪#‎FundraisingFriday‬ we’d like to say a big thank you to Laura and her family who ran a charity fun day last weekend in Goole at Old Goole Working Mens Club. Not only did they raise over £350, they raised awareness of our vital cause by getting into the local papers!

  • #FundraisingFriday: The Thistle Run

    12 Aug 2016

    This ‪#‎FundraisingFriday‬ we want to say a huge thank you to The Mini Clan The Clan are a Mini appreciation society, and they organise an annual event called The Thistle Run. This year it took place in May and saw hundreds of minis take to the road from The Falkirk Wheel to Anstruther in Scotland to enjoy a lovely Sunday afternoon and raise money for their two chosen charities

  • #FundraisingFriday: Sally and Veolia

    5 Aug 2016

    This #FundraisingFriday we want to say thank you to Sally Pratt, who put us forward to her company Veolia as their Charity of the Year.

  • #FundraisingFriday: Zoe’s Blog

    29 Jul 2016

    If you follow us on Twitter, you might remember us in the CLAPA office getting really excited following the story of 10 students and their teachers from Queen’s School Girls Chester, who cycled 120 miles, to raise over £1400 (and the figure’s still rising!) for CLAPA. This #FundraisingFriday we want to share Zoe’s fundraising journal with you.

  • #FundraisingFriday: Phil’s Triathlon

    29 Jul 2016

    Sarah and Phil are currently awaiting the birth of their new baby, which they have been told will be born with a cleft lip and palate.

  • #FundraisingFriday: The Queen’s School Cyclists

    8 Jul 2016

    You thought the Tour de France was good? It's ‪#‎FundraisingFriday‬, and this week we're celebrating the girls from The Queen's School, Chester

  • #FundraisingFriday: Cardiff

    17 Jun 2016

    The Cardiff Sponsored Walk is taking place TOMORROW.

  • #FundraisingFriday: Jen

    17 Jun 2016

    This weekend Jen and her mum will be taking on the intense Lakes Biggest and Longest Challenge – it will involve canoeing, cycling and walking over a distance of 71km over a period of 24 hours!

  • #FundraisingFriday: Leon Banks

    17 Jun 2016

    For this week’s #FundraisingFriday we really wanted to share this super cute story from Leon, who got in touch with a letter to tell us how he and his family chose to fundraise for CLAPA.

  • Charlotte’s Story

    10 Jun 2016

    "In 2014 my son Oliver was born with a cleft lip. This came as a massive shock to us as it was undiagnosed, and living on a small island Cleft awareness and guidance, even within our local hospital were not on hand. The hospital were not aware of any children born for many years with a cleft so it was paramount things needed to change."