Tagged with:Fundraising Stories

  • Paul and Seren’s Santa Story

    18 Dec 2017

    I wanted to get involved and do something for CLAPA this Christmas, so I looked on their website and noticed the Santa run being advertised. I spoke to Seren (my daughter) about whether she would like to do it and she was very excited about taking part.

  • #FundraisingFriday – Lennon’s Fundraising Story

    15 Dec 2017

    Lennon's mum got in touch with us, to tell us all about his brilliant fundraising efforts. Thanks, Lennon!

  • Kevin and JJ’s Story

    14 Dec 2017

    Thank you so much to Kevin and JJ who raised an amazing total of £149.25 (including gift) for CLAPA!

  • Matt and Rebecca’s Story

    11 Dec 2017

    My son James was born with a unilateral, left sided, cleft lip and palate in 2008. The news was devastating of course and was hard to come to terms with, as me and his Mum, Laura, were only 17/18 at the time. However, over the years James has overcome various operations and difficulties, growing up into the brilliant young man he is today.

  • CLAPA News 2017

    8 Dec 2017

    Welcome to our 28th annual magazine, packed full of stories and updates from all sectors of the CLAPA Community. Read it now online or order your paper copy.

  • #FundraisingFriday – The Great North Swim

    30 Nov 2017

    "I was born with a cleft lip and palate myself and have been aware for many years of the great work that CLAPA performs. As CLAPA is a small charity, I felt the need to raise the profile (as well as donations) and bring awareness to the challenges faced by individuals with this condition."

  • #FundraisingFriday: Great Scottish Run 2017

    14 Nov 2017

    Every year Mersen Scotland put a team together for the Great Scottish run. The employees are requested to put forward a charity to place their efforts to good use. This year, CLAPA was nominated, and Team Mersen raised over £2k!

  • #FundraisingFriday: Royal Parks Half Marathon 2017

    14 Nov 2017

    Superstar fundraiser Julie Payne ran the Royal Parks Half Marathon on the 8th of October and raised a stunning £1,331.25 for CLAPA! Here is her story.

  • #FundraisingFriday – Golden Phizzwizard

    27 Oct 2017

    "In the words of Roald Dahl, yesterday was a ‘Golden Phizzwizard’ of a day as we all truly enjoyed getting into character. Everyone looked terrific and your ‘chidlers’ looked great covering pretty much every rhyme and book we have in our Roald Dahl section in the library

  • A Frighteningly Good #FundraisingFriday

    24 Oct 2017

    Mum-to-be Leanne has raised nearly £500 for CLAPA with her Halloween-themed bake sale - well done to Leanne and everyone who helped at East Riding College!