Tagged with:Mental Health
Counselling with CLAPA
Many people affected by cleft say it has an impact on their mental health. For those struggling in the CLAPA community help is at hand with a free counselling service.
Meet Andrew, CLAPA Peer Supporter
Peer supporter Andrew was born with a cleft lip and palate. He’s now trained to help others through our peer support service to talk through issues and experiences of living with cleft as an adult.
Wellbeing and Mental Health
Research Summary: Emotional Wellbeing in Adults Born with a Cleft
CLAPA's 'Whole of Life' survey in 2018 asked adults born with a cleft from all over the UK about their experiences, including their emotional wellbeing. This paper looks at the results of this survey in detail and considers what they might mean for the future of our community.
World Mental Health Day 2019
Thursday 10th October 2019 is World Mental Health Day! We often only think and hear about mental health when we learn that somebody is experiencing mental ill health, but we all have mental health and it's important that we keep ourselves and each other mentally well as well as physically well. To mark World Mental Health Day, CLAPA's Adult Services Coordinator takes a look at what's available for the cleft community.
World Mental Health Day 2018
Wednesday 10th October is World Mental Health Day 2018. Read more about how being born with a cleft can affect your mental health, and how CLAPA is working to support people like you.
What we learned from the Appearance Matters 8 Conference
The Appearance Matters 8 Conference took place in June, featuring talks and workshops on everything from body image to dealing with a cleft diagnosis. Here, CLAPA's Adult Services Coordinator reflects on some of the lessons learned.
Psychologists and Cleft: A look at the Role of a Clinical Psychologist in a Cleft Team
On Saturday 8th July, Dr Kate le Marechal and I, both clinical psychologists from the South Thames Cleft Service (based at St Thomas’ Hospital) were lucky enough to be invited to speak at the inaugural CLAPA Adult Conference at the Ibis Hotel in Euston, London.