Tagged with:Overseas
The City Cambodia Project: Week 5
Louisa and Megan are out and about in Cambodia for Week 5 of their trip. What's next on their busy agenda?
The City Cambodia Project: Week 4
This week, Louisa and Megan are back in busy Phnom Penh, spliting up to work on separate parts of the project and even hearing about some exciting options for their future careers too.
The City Cambodia Project: Week 1, 2, & 3
The City Cambodia Project is a collaboration between City, University of London and organisations in Phnom Penh, to share Speech and Language therapy approaches and improve the standard of care of speech and language therapy in Cambodia. This year. Megan and Louisa are keeping CLAPA up to date on their experiences over the next few months.
The City Cambodia Project 2017: Week 14
Our final week! Speech and language therapy in Cambodia has come a long way since the project started eleven years ago. We are very proud to have participated in the project and done our little bit to improve speech therapy services here. This has been an unforgettable experience! Thank you to all our readers who have followed our journey.
The City Cambodia Project 2017: Week 13
Our role here is to train and empower others so that they can do the work after we leave, rather than to give children speech therapy. The foundations have now been laid for a full university course in speech and language therapy to develop, giving speech and language therapy more recognition in Cambodia and enabling this profession to grow throughout the country.
The City Cambodia Project 2017: Weeks 11 & 12
Our role here is to train and empower others so that they can do the work after we leave, rather than to give children speech therapy. It can be tricky sometimes to separate these two things and ensure that we are not simply giving direct therapy, as this is not sustainable.
The City Cambodia Project 2017: Weeks 9 & 10
Our role here is to train and empower others so that they can do the work after we leave, rather than to give children speech therapy. It can be tricky sometimes to separate these two things and ensure that we are not simply giving direct therapy, as this is not sustainable.
The City Cambodia Project 2017: Week 8
To see the medical team and speech therapy team working collaboratively to decide on this patient’s care path was really encouraging and a great way to start the week as it shows the increased awareness and recognition speech and language therapy has gained since this project began 11 years ago.
The City Cambodia Project 2017: Week 7
"On Thursday it was day two of our time on the Smile Cambodia mission. The team were all happy to see us again and had another list of patients for us. Alongside seeing patients in our therapy room, we also visited patients post-surgery on the wards to give advice. The mission made us feel very valued as we really felt that the team were interested in hearing what we had to say."
The City Cambodia Project 2017: Week 6
In Cambodia there is not a Council that sets standards for things like progress notes and documentation. We realised the full effects of this today when we asked to see the speech notes of a patient who had been to the clinic four times previously. This made the session very difficult as there was no record of previous therapy or the speech sounds being targeted.