Tagged with:Parent Stories

  • Amelia’s Story

    7 Jun 2019

    Amelia is part of CLAPA's Board of Trustees. Our Trustees are a small group of volunteers who take responsibility for governing CLAPA as a charity and directing how it is managed and run. CLAPA's staff look after the charity's day-to-day work, but our Board of Trustees ensures everything we do is governed and directed by the cleft community.

  • #MyCleftStory a year on, through the eyes of Casper’s mummy

    8 May 2019

    "What did that mean?  Did that mean Casper would need more palate surgery?  Did that mean Casper’s speech would still not develop?  Again, I was overwhelmed and hit by a pang of too many emotions and my role of mummy being tested." In honour of Awareness Week, Jemma shared with CLAPA her experiences with her son, Casper over the past year.

  • CLAPA’s Weather Lottery Jackpot Winners Share Their Story

    31 Jan 2019

    CLAPA was thrilled to be able to thank Mary and her family so much for supporting CLAPA, presenting them with a cheque for their CLAPA's Weather Lottery winnings of £25 000. She was even kind enough to make a donation to CLAPA from her winnings.

  • Kayleigh’s Story

    14 Sep 2018

    "The truth is you never really know what your baby will look like until they are placed in your arms. I’m not going to sit here and lie, I was nervous about seeing her for the first time, but I had nothing to worry about. She was and still is absolutely perfect, cleft lip, cleft palate and gum notch included, this little girl was amazing, and I fell in love with her and her perfect imperfection instantly."

  • Ben’s Story

    15 Jun 2018

    Ben's dad, Mark, got in touch with CLAPA to share how proud he is of his son, who was born with a cleft lip and palate in 2001.

  • “Sometimes it is just nice to know you are not alone.”

    13 Jun 2018

    One mum got in touch with CLAPA to share the story of her and her baby's diagnosis, and to highlight the importance of knowing you're not alone when you or a loved one is affected by cleft.

  • Laura’s Story

    12 Jun 2018

    As her son approaches his teens, Laura remembers her pregnancy and looks back on some of the challenges he has faced and considers what's still to come.

  • Fliss’ Story

    11 Jun 2018

    Following the birth of her wonderful little boy, Fliss wrote an open letter to share though CLAPA, to help other expectant parents feel supported and reassured.

  • Becky and George’s Story

    11 Jun 2018

    Our beautiful Lottie was diagnosed with a bilateral cleft lip and palate at our 20 week scan. This was a huge shock for both me and George, as this wasn't something we ever thought about or expected to hear. From that day on, we received loads of support and help from family and friends, and also from CLAPA through all the information they share and through other families' experiences and stories.

  • Emma and Pip’s Story

    8 Jun 2018

    For me personally, CLAPA helped me face my fears. The reassurance from other mummies that had been through exactly what I was experiencing helped me to deal with so many different emotions that were spinning around in my head - Was it my fault? Had I harmed my unborn baby? What had I done wrong? How could I have changed this? Would I be able to cope? Would we bond? - The list was endless.