Tagged with:Staff Blog
CLAPA and Family Fun
Earlier this month I was lucky enough to go to the Sussex Family Fun Day at the Lodge Hill Centre in Pulborough. Rocking up in a taxi on Saturday morning I wasn’t quite sure what to expect – even though I’ve been to several CLAPA events now, they’ve all been totally different! But the one thing they all have in common is passionate and friendly volunteers, and this day was no exception.
CLAPA in Scotland
Hi, I’m Gillian, the Senior Regional Coordinator for Scotland. I started in my post in September 2015 and boy, it’s been a busy few months since then running lots of different events and activities across Scotland for children who were born with a cleft and their families.
CLAPA in the East
As the Regional Coordinator for the East of England, my job is to work with volunteers and cleft teams across the East of England, raising awareness and providing support for those affected by cleft.
CLAPA at Appearance Matters 7
Our first ever staff blog, from David Stokes, who attended the Appearance Matters 7 Conference last week.