Tagged with:Your Stories

  • Sarah and Luca’s Story

    8 Jul 2024

    Sarah Mahone got in touch with CLAPA over Cleft Lip and Palate Awareness Week this year to share her journey with her son Luca, who was born with a microform cleft lip.

  • Three peaks and three years of fundraising raises £4,000 for CLAPA

    13 Jun 2024

    Parents Laura and Tom have raised over £1,800 just this year, for CLAPA (Cleft Lip and Palate Association). With their fundraising activities spanning over three years, with three peaks climbed and plenty of bake sales held.

  • Daredevil to take on skydive for CLAPA this May

    20 May 2024

    Stacey was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. After her son was also born with a cleft, she was inspired to fundraise and raise awareness for CLAPA by skydiving on Saturday 25th May.

  • Woman with blonde hair, wearing glasses and smiling to camera

    Lucia’s Story: Share A Smile

    10 May 2024

    Lucia is an adult who was born with a cleft lip and palate. She shared her story about the challenges she's overcome.

  • Sophie’s Story

    10 May 2024

    “Throughout my life, I have attended many hospital appointments, and so far, I have had four operations. I have struggled to find people to talk to who know what I am going through and how to help. This can cause me to feel isolated, as I don’t know whether other people feel the same as I do, however with CLAPA I know that there is always someone to talk to who has been through what I have.”

  • Toddler and mum sat at table

    Kaitlynn and Wyllow’s Story: Share A Smile

    29 Apr 2024

    Wyllow was born with cleft lip and palate. Her mum, Kaitlynn, shares their story with CLAPA.

  • Francesca’s Story

    2 Aug 2023

    Francesca's daughter Eva was born with a left-side cleft lip, palate, and gum notch. She shared their journey with us and what inspired her to set up an Instagram page to raise awareness.

  • Elissa and Sophia’s Story

    26 Jan 2023

    Elissa, who works for FatFace, brought CLAPA to the attention of their company Foundation, winning them £750 to help fund our vital services. 

  • Emma’s Story

    11 Oct 2022

    Emma's son Bertie was born with a unilateral cleft lip and gum notch. She reflects on their journey from sharing Bertie's diagnosis with her wedding guests to adjusting to his new smile.

  • Elizabeth’s Story

    16 Sep 2022

    Elizabeth’s son Albie was born in December with an incomplete bilateral cleft lip and palate. Sarah looks back at their journey and the support they received along the way.