Tagged with:Your Stories

  • Laura’s Story

    3 Dec 2016

    It was hot July and I was impatiently awaiting the birth of our daughter. I was 10 days overdue and getting more impatient by the hour! I was due to be induced in the morning and had a feeling of scared excitement; I just couldn't wait to meet her! The next morning came and everything went to plan, I was induced at 9am and by 11am I was in early labour, a lot quicker than I was expecting!

  • My Cleft Story: The Beginnings

    26 Nov 2016

    Hi my name is Annabelle and I was born in October 2001 with a cleft lip and gum. It all started before I was born. After I’d been brewing for a few months, my mum went for the 5 month scan at Kings College Hospital, Denmark Hill, London. She was waiting alone with the scan lady because my older sister was throwing a hissy fit and dad had to take her outside to run around.

  • #Fundraising Friday – Mark

    18 Nov 2016

    Meet Mark! Mark decided to push himself that extra stroke, pedal and step, to take part in a triathlon on behalf of CLAPA, raising £525!

  • Meet Zoe Bailey

    31 Oct 2016

    Meet Zoe Bailey! Zoe is going to be playing young Emily in IQ Network's upcoming film, Two Sides: A Cleft Story, and has kindly agreed to film a video diary for us!

  • Rosie and Poppy’s Story

    24 Oct 2016

    I'm Rosie and have 2 beautiful children and this forms part of the reason why I am running the London marathon this year. I was lucky enough to get the only charity space with the Cleft Lip And Palate Association.

  • Dan’s Story

    28 Sep 2016

    It’s 2005 and I’m 18 years old. Currently, I’m an elevator with my family, leaving the hospital after surgery. I’ve had little-to-no sleep and (as a result of the dentofacial osteotomy) my jaws are wired shut. Almost spontaneously, I burst out crying.

  • #FundraisingFriday: Zoe’s Blog

    29 Jul 2016

    If you follow us on Twitter, you might remember us in the CLAPA office getting really excited following the story of 10 students and their teachers from Queen’s School Girls Chester, who cycled 120 miles, to raise over £1400 (and the figure’s still rising!) for CLAPA. This #FundraisingFriday we want to share Zoe’s fundraising journal with you.

  • Rachel’s Story

    8 Jul 2016

    It's the 9th March 2015, the day we have been waiting for. I had been induced two days prior due to high blood pressure, but today will be the day we meet our baby. The little baby we have been so desperately trying for for the past 3 years. We had our first child in 2010, a healthy (big) baby, Ella-Rose Corbin. She has been desperate to become a big sister for as long as I can remember; blowing out birthday candles wishing for a sibling that she could love, cuddle and feed. Today was going to be that day, except it's going to be a little different to how we had all imagined...

  • The Community’s Role in Research

    28 Jun 2016

    Our Children and Young People's Council do more than just play games and eat pizza - they also spend their meetings making a real difference to others born with a cleft like them! In a new video put together for the Appearance Matters 7 Conference, the CYPC share what CLAPA and its work means to them.

  • Father’s Day

    19 Jun 2016

    This Father’s Day we’re asking dads everywhere to share their stories of parenting a child with a cleft.