Tagged with:Your Stories

  • Adventure awaits for the team hitting the Azores for an adventure.

    Adventures in the Azores

    13 Mar 2015

    On Saturday 20th September Claire, Felipe (Claire’s partner), Hannah, Elisha, Elisa, Lizz, Ed, Danielle and Ryan ventured out to an unusually quiet and chilly Gatwick Airport to take a 3 and half hour plane journey to an airport of the opposite temperature on an unknown island slap-bang in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

  • Katherine’s Story

    19 Feb 2015

    Katherine was born with Pierre Robin Sequence and a cleft palate in the 80s.

  • Joanne’s Story

    1 Aug 2014

    I'm Joanne Graham, married to Alex and have 2 beautiful sons; Noah, 2 and Isaac, who was born on 1st July 2014 with a unilateral cleft lip and gum notch. We live in South Shields, near Newcastle upon Tyne.

  • My Cleft Palate and Speech

    23 Jul 2014

    I'm Natalie, and I'm 43 years old. I have had a long history of speech and communication problems right from the word go, when it became apparent that from at birth I would have problems with the speech.

  • Maz and her two children

    Maz Poole’s Story

    9 Jul 2014

    Find out about Maz Poole's experiences as the Norfolk and Suffolk Happy Faces Coordinator and a CLAPA Parent Contact.

  • My Volunteer Story: Ruth Helstrip

    17 Nov 2013

    I decided that I didn't want Will to be labelled as a child with a cleft lip and palate and therefore chose not to get involved in any way. All that changed in September 2012 when I received the latest CLAPA magazine. Inside was an interesting feature on the Young People's Council which CLAPA runs.

  • My Volunteer Story: Sarah Dennis

    13 Sep 2013

    In September 2012 I completed the one day official volunteer course in Bristol and met some amazing people who I still regularly speak to now. I like to think of CLAPA as a family, we all support each other, share our highs and our lows and offer encouragement and advice to each other.

  • The Hancock’s story

    17 Mar 2013

    "The operator told us that our baby had a cleft lip and that this maybe associated with some syndromes that may mean that the baby may not survive. The whole thing was handled rather badly. We left the hospital in a state of shock and little information."

  • Emily’s Story

    1 Mar 2013

    "We were delighted to discover we were expecting our second child in the summer of 2011. I had a fairly straightforward pregnancy and normal scans throughout. Our daughter Isabelle was born on 21st April 2012 at 00.52AM, coming quite unexpectedly on her due date. Her birth was very fast and when they handed her to me I couldn't believe how tiny she was at 5lb 9oz.

  • My Volunteer Story: Maria Blackhurst

    13 Jan 2013

    You have to keep in the back of your mind that you can put the family in contact with people who can help and to hear or read those lovely words, ‘thank you,’ is the best reward you can receive.