Tagged with:Your Stories

  • Brave Lennon, age 8, takes on Man Size Challenge!

    2 Nov 2015

    This is the remarkable story of Lennon, age 8, who took part in the Junior Iron Run to say thank you to CLAPA!

  • A birthday party in the park

    Birthday Party in the Park

    28 Sep 2015

    Birthday Party in the Park took place in a sunny Sutton Park on Sunday 20th September. The event was organised by the Cleft team at Birmingham Children's Hospital with support from CLAPA

  • Jennifer

    From Cleft Clinic to Catwalk

    14 Jul 2015

    Jennifer, who was born with a bilateral cleft lip and partial cleft palate 18 years ago joined two others in modelling designer, Jasper Conran jeans.

  • Sue and her big brother in 1941

    By word of mouth

    4 Jun 2015

    Sue was born in 1938 with a cleft lip and palate, and has been kind enough to share her story with us, including her struggles with speech and confidence growing up in a time when there was very little awareness of cleft.

  • Jacob & Kayleigh are in training for the Brighton Mini Mile 2015

    26 Mar 2015

    Jacob was born with a cleft lip and palate. Here, he tells us why he and his sister have decided to raise funds for CLAPA.

  • Scott’s Story

    13 Mar 2015

    Scott was born with a cleft lip and palate. His very proud mum has written about the first 24 years of his life to celebrate Scott graduating from medical school

  • Adventure awaits for the team hitting the Azores for an adventure.

    Adventures in the Azores

    13 Mar 2015

    On Saturday 20th September Claire, Felipe (Claire’s partner), Hannah, Elisha, Elisa, Lizz, Ed, Danielle and Ryan ventured out to an unusually quiet and chilly Gatwick Airport to take a 3 and half hour plane journey to an airport of the opposite temperature on an unknown island slap-bang in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

  • Katherine’s Story

    19 Feb 2015

    Katherine was born with Pierre Robin Sequence and a cleft palate in the 80s.

  • Joanne’s Story

    1 Aug 2014

    I'm Joanne Graham, married to Alex and have 2 beautiful sons; Noah, 2 and Isaac, who was born on 1st July 2014 with a unilateral cleft lip and gum notch. We live in South Shields, near Newcastle upon Tyne.

  • My Cleft Palate and Speech

    23 Jul 2014

    I'm Natalie, and I'm 43 years old. I have had a long history of speech and communication problems right from the word go, when it became apparent that from at birth I would have problems with the speech.