
Around 70,000 adults in the UK alone were born with a cleft lip and/or palate. This page will help you to find support and resources from CLAPA, the NHS, and other support services.

You can contact the team by emailing [email protected]

CLAPA is committed to safeguarding people of all ages and backgrounds who use our services. Click to find out more about how we make safeguarding a priority.

  • Returning to Treatment

    Adults who are interested in receiving further treatment on the NHS should be able to access specialist cleft services at any point, regardless of age.

  • Talk To Another Adult

    Get in touch to be matched up with one of CLAPA’s trained adult volunteers who can give you one-to-one support over the phone or email.

  • Counselling

    Free, no-wait counselling is available through CLAPA for adults born with a cleft. Learn more and self-refer through our simple form.

  • Well-being and Mental Health

    Visit our page dedicated to well-being and mental health resources.

  • NHS Treatment

    Get an overview of NHS Cleft Services available to adults of any age, including advice on getting back into treatment.

  • Your Stories

    Read stories and interviews from other adults born with a cleft. You can also submit your own!

  • Private & Non Cleft Team Services

    Thinking about private treatment? Check out our list of things to consider and look out for when finding a practitioner.

  • Adult's Facebook Group

    Join over 2,000 UK adults born with a cleft on the largest Facebook group of its kind.

  • Events

    Sign up for one of our free online events for adults, including CLAPA Lounges and live Q&A sessions with cleft professionals.

  • Resources and Research

    Here you will find all of the resources and research from the Adult services project.