Parents & Carers
CLAPA is committed to safeguarding the people of all ages and backgrounds who use our services. Click to find out more about how we make safeguarding a priority.
For parents and carers of a child with a cleft, CLAPA is a link to the rest of the UK cleft community, and the practical and emotional support we provide goes above and beyond what is available within the NHS. Our aim is to work with families and the NHS Cleft Services to give parents and families the best possible support from the moment of diagnosis.
Need to Talk?
Find one-on-one support from trained parent volunteers who've been through it all before. Whatever you're facing, you're not alone - get in touch today.
Information about all our upcoming events.
Help With Feeding
Check out our information pages on feeding babies born with a cleft, including practical tips from nurses and other parents.
Online Support
Join our parent support group on Facebook to find10,000 parents and carers like you all over the UK sharing photos, stories and advice.
Free online counselling is available through CLAPA for parents and carers of a child born with a cleft. Learn more and self-refer through our simple form.
Find a Local Unaffiliated Support Group
Find your nearest unaffiliated support groups for those affect by cleft in the UK
Treatment Timeline
Learn all about cleft treatment from birth to diagnosis.
Your Stories
Read stories and interviews from parents about their experiences with diagnosis, surgery and beyond.
Financial Support
Information on government benefits, grants and other funds to help with the extra costs of caring for a child born with a cleft.
Support with Surgery
Advice for coping with your child's surgery, including hospital packing lists, aftercare, and more.
Photo Gallery
CLAPA's photo gallery features hundreds of images of babies born with a cleft before and after surgery.
Starting School
How you can help your child's school support them to reach their full potential.
Family Focus Group
CLAPA is very excited to launch a new focus group specifically for parents, carers and grandparents to help shape the services CLAPA provides for families.