News and updates from across every CLAPA region
Parent Stories | Your Stories |
Elizabeth’s Story
Elizabeth’s son Albie was born in December with an incomplete bilateral cleft lip and palate. Sarah looks back at their journey and the support they received along the way.
Parent Stories | Your Stories |
Dionne’s Story
Dionne's son Ffredi was born with a unilateral cleft lip and palate. She shared their journey with us and the challenges they faced along the way.
Adult Stories |
Rosie’s Story
Rosie was born with a cleft, and her hospital experiences inspired her to train as a nurse so she could help others.
Fundraising: Challenges | Fundraising: Cycling |
#FundraisingFriday: Jonathon and Kenny’s Story
It was a tough challenge, but we made it; it would have been so much harder without Kenny riding alongside me to keep me going. We want to thank everyone who donated and helped and Floyd for being our marshal and keeping us safe. We raised a fantastic amount and still have a few donations to collect.
Research | Research Advertisements |
Paid Research Project for Parents of 8-12-year-olds: University of Oxford
Researchers at the University of Oxford would like to speak to parents of 8 to 12-year-old children born with a cleft lip and/or palate. The research project they would like to shape is about parenting a child born with a cleft lip and/or palate and its relationship to mental wellbeing.
Adult Stories | Fundraising Stories |
Nathan’s Story
My name is Nathan; I’m 26 years old and was born with a bilateral cleft lip and palate. Growing up, I received over 30 surgeries; this meant sometimes having multiple surgeries a year.
Research | Research Advertisements |
New Research Opportunity: 3D Imaging for 12-25 Yr Olds with Cleft Palate
A research team at the University of Dundee Dental Hospital is planning a research project to develop a new 3D imaging technique.
Research | Research Advertisements |
CLAPA Cleft Collective Patient Consultation Group
The Cleft Collective cohort studies recruit families of babies and children born with a cleft across the UK. Families who participate provide biological samples (such as saliva) and complete questionnaires about themselves and their children at different ages.
Grandparents | Parent Stories |
Sue’s Story
Sue's grandaughter Jessica was born with a cleft lip. She shares their journey from a grandparent's point of view and the involvement she experienced with her family.
Volunteering Opportunities |
New Opportunity: Children and Young People (CYP) Volunteer
Working with the Cleft Lip and Palate Association (CLAPA) as a CYP Volunteer you will be supporting adventure days and adventure weekends events for children and young people affected by cleft.