
News and updates from across every CLAPA region

  • Beauty, difference & doing something different; photoshoot for Ladybeard and Dazed

    20 Nov 2018

    The team at Ladybeard were invited to do an Instagram takeover for Dazed Beauty, Dazed magazine’s beauty platform on 10th - 11th November 2018. For their feature, they decided they'd like to use the opportunity to showcase the many diverse forms of beauty, which may have historically been overlooked by the beauty industry, by reaching out to people with visual differences to get involved.

  • Adult Issues |

    Photoshoot for Ladybeard and Dazed: Applications ASAP

    1 Nov 2018

    The team at Ladybeard have been asked to do an Instagram takeover for Dazed Beauty , Dazed magazine's beauty platform, next week and they want to showcase diverse forms of beauty by using their feature to celebrate people with visible differences. If you'd be interested in taking part, they'd love to hear from you ASAP.

  • Overseas |

    The City Cambodia Project: Week 5

    29 Oct 2018

    Louisa and Megan are out and about in Cambodia for Week 5 of their trip. What's next on their busy agenda?

  • Research | Research Advertisements |

    Looks and Life: Join UWE’s latest appearance study

    26 Oct 2018

    Researchers from the Centre for Appearance Research at UWE Bristol are running an online research survey for UK-based adults (18+) concerned with how much looks affect the way people live. This will help develop psychological support for people with appearance-affecting conditions. Would you like to take part?

  • NHS Cleft Services |

    Announcement from The National Surgical Cleft Service in Scotland

    25 Oct 2018

    The National Surgical Cleft Service is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr David Drake, Consultant OMFS and Cleft surgeon.  Mr Drake is an established cleft surgeon within the UK and will take up post on the 1st November 2018.

  • Research Advertisements |

    Research: Eating after Surgery

    10 Oct 2018

    A young fundraiser born with a cleft lip and palate is conducting a personal research project about the experiences of people born with a cleft and their parents with eating after cleft surgeries.

  • Adult Issues | Mental Health | Parents | Young People |

    World Mental Health Day 2018

    10 Oct 2018

    Wednesday 10th October is World Mental Health Day 2018. Read more about how being born with a cleft can affect your mental health, and how CLAPA is working to support people like you.

  • Overseas |

    The City Cambodia Project: Week 4

    2 Oct 2018

    This week, Louisa and Megan are back in busy Phnom Penh, spliting up to work on separate parts of the project and even hearing about some exciting options for their future careers too.

  • Overseas |

    The City Cambodia Project: Week 1, 2, & 3

    24 Sep 2018

    The City Cambodia Project is a collaboration between City, University of London and organisations in Phnom Penh, to share Speech and Language therapy approaches and improve the standard of care of speech and language therapy in Cambodia. This year. Megan and Louisa are keeping CLAPA up to date on their experiences over the next few months.

  • CLAPA Announces New CEO

    21 Sep 2018

    Today, CLAPA bids a very fond farewell to our CEO, Dr David Stokes, who is leaving the charity after 2 and a half years. Deputy CEO, Claire Cunniffe has been appointed as David’s successor.