
News and updates from across every CLAPA region

  • Adult Stories | Your Stories |

    Dave Z’s Story

    8 Mar 2018

    My name is Dave Z. I was recently asked by the Cleft Lip & Palate association (CLAPA) to share my story about growing up and dealing with the issues surrounding the condition. At first I was unsure whether to go for it as its not something I usually talk about, If anything I try to avoid thinking about it.

  • Parent Stories | Your Stories |

    Kirsty’s Story

    1 Feb 2018

    It can be hard to know what to expect when your child is waiting for surgery. Kirsty got in touch to share her experience with her son, and explain what's changed for them.

  • Aberdeen Branch |

    Aberdeen Pantomime Trip 2018

    1 Feb 2018

    We hear from members of CLAPA's Community in Scotland, who attended the Aberdeen Pantomime 'Aladdin' last month, about what attending CLAPA's events means to them.

  • Adult Issues | Health Professionals | NHS Cleft Services |

    Dentists and Cleft: A look at the Role of Restorative Dentists in a Cleft Team

    17 Jan 2018

    As part of a cleft team, a restorative dentist will work with other specialists from different disciplines to provide the patient with a cleft lip and/or palate with necessary information, support, and care as they follow their treatment plan and consider their options from childhood into adulthood. This article is intended to offer insight into the role of a restorative dentist in treatment related to cleft lip and/or palate, and to highlight the dental treatment that people born with a cleft have access to.

  • Adult Issues | Health Professionals | Research | Research Advertisements |

    Have Your Say: The CET Project

    17 Jan 2018

    Emma Southby, an experienced Cleft Nurse Specialist and a previous CLAPA Trustee,  is looking for interviewees for an exciting new venture to create new educational resources for health professionals across Europe.

  • Adult Stories | Your Stories |

    Michael’s Story

    7 Jan 2018

    I was born in the Netherlands in September 1998 with a severe bilateral Cleft Lip and Palate. Compared to the UK, there are a much lower percentage of babies born with a cleft in the Netherlands. Mine was one of the more severe cases.

  • Parent Stories | Your Stories |

    Karla and Kelsie’s Story

    6 Jan 2018

    When I was expecting Kelsie, the doctors told me and her dad that if she survived birth, they could only give her an expected eight week life span. Well, she’s proved doctors wrong! She’s a little fighter.

  • Adult Issues | Adult Stories | Dental | Orthodontics |

    Karen’s Story

    6 Jan 2018

    Karen was born in 1952 with a cleft lip and palate. Here in her own words she tells her story of growing up with a cleft, and returning to treatment as an adult.

  • Fundraising Stories |

    Teresa and Lois’ Fundraising Story

    2 Jan 2018

    On 7th December myself and my daughter, Lois, organised an exhibition and auction night, showcasing Lois’ work to raise funds for CLAPA.

  • Research | Research Advertisements | Research Summaries |

    SLUMBERS – A Sleep Study

    20 Dec 2017

    The Side Lying and Upper airway Maintenance in Babies Requiring Surgery for cleft palate, or SLUMBERS study, is a feasibility study that CLAPA has coordinated with frequently during the research process.  The purpose of the study was to address the fact that general NHS guidelines for how babies can be put to bed to sleep most safely may not be the safest guidelines to follow for babies with a cleft lip and/or palate.