News and updates from across every CLAPA region
Fundraising Stories |
Celebration of Indian festival raises funds for CLAPA
An Indian storytelling event for a festival called Navarathri/Dussehra has raised hundreds of pounds for CLAPA.
Vacancies |
VACANCY: Head of Communications and Marketing (Closed)
CLAPA is looking for a Head of Communications and Marketing to join our team. Applications close 9am on Monday 9th December 2024.
Finding Support Over the Holidays
The CLAPA Team will be taking a break over the festive period from 5 pm on Thursday 23rd December to 9 am Tuesday 4th January 2022. Find out how to get support at this time.
Adult Issues | Mental Health | Parents | Psychology |
Counselling with CLAPA
Many people affected by cleft say it has an impact on their mental health. For those struggling in the CLAPA community help is at hand with a free counselling service.
Adult Issues | Adult Stories | Mental Health | Volunteering Stories |
Meet Andrew, CLAPA Peer Supporter
Peer supporter Andrew was born with a cleft lip and palate. He’s now trained to help others through our peer support service to talk through issues and experiences of living with cleft as an adult.
Parent Stories | Your Stories |
Baby Finn’s moment of fame in advertising campaign
Next time you’re out shopping look up at the video boards and you might just see one of our CLAPA community babies advertising Pampers nappies.
Vacancies |
VACANCY: Clinician Trustee
CLAPA is looking for a Clinician Trustee with experience either within the cleft service or treating patients born with a cleft at a local level outside of the cleft service. Applications close Wednesday 6th November 2024.
Vacancies |
VACANCY: Legal Trustee
CLAPA is looking for a Legal Trustee to participate in all areas of the charity’s governance with a special interest in the legal implications of the strategy, governance and support with the Board’s understanding and interpretation. Applications close Wednesday 6th November 2024.
Vacancies |
VACANCY: Policy and Campaigns Manager
CLAPA is looking for a Policy and Campaigns Manager to join our team. Applications close 9am Monday 4th November.
Grandparents | Your Stories |
Happy Grandparent’s Day! (October 6)
In celebration of all our wonderful CLAPA grandparents we spoke to Audrey and Dave about their cleft journey with granddaughter Rebecca.